- Personal website: www.toonturning.com
- FaceBook: Toon Turning
Inspired by Rebecca DeGroot My first attempt at feet on a bowl Zentangle woodburning on walnut Club challenge to make flowers. winter bird houses collaboration piece with a friend who is a weaver metal reactive paint more metal reactive paint epoxy and oak burl my favorite piece I’ve ever made! basket illusion with india ink 14″ across, epoxy and root burl Paper quilling set in epoxy heavy piercing pierced cherry bowl 16″ mulberry bowl with india in and pyrography pattern I went through a phase making goblets… maple sphere with epoxy clay inlays unknown wood cross sections set in epoxy clay hackberry bowl, dyed blue with liming wax dyed elm first attempt playing with an airbrush “spun” paint and pyrography cherry scraps with blue epoxy bottle stoppers made for a charity