August 2020

Another month passed and with it comes another month of social distancing, deep divisions in society revealing themselves more every day, and the craziness that always accompanies the runup to a presidential election on full display.  I usually look forward to the “dog days of summer”, but this year I just can’t wait for whatever

July 2020

I can only speak for myself, but I’m really torn about this whole easing of the COVID19 lockdown.  On one hand, I’m really liking the steps being taken toward some sense of normal.  That feels like a good thing.  On the other hand, I was kinda getting used to going out to run an errand

June 2020

June is starting out with more of the same.  Any gathering over 10 people being “illegal” has eliminated weddings, church services, little league games, family reunions, club meetings, and just about anything else that would be the hallmark of “normal” life this time of year.  Still, we are all here, we are all as healthy

May 2020

April is in the books and with the pandemic, I a few days late getting the president’s letter written.  In all honesty, it feels like May just kinda slipped in without any fanfare.  No Mayday baskets, no Cinco De Mayo commercials looping endlessly on TV, no spring baseball.  Just more sheltering in place.  Still, life

April 2020

I remember making an art project in second grade for the month of March that was supposed to demonstrate the “in like a lion, out like a lamb” description of March.  They hung from the ceiling, with a sheep covered with cotton balls and globs of errant glue on one side and a mangy looking

March 2020

It shouldn’t surprise me that February’s already over.  Even with the extra day, it seems like time is speeding up!  I’ve heard that’s a sign that you’re aging, but I know that’s not true, because I’m still 35… The completed wig stands from NCHS will be on display at the March meeting, and I will

February 2020

Happy February, everyone!  For February being the shortest month of the year, there sure is a LOT of stuff crammed into it. We’re holding the first board meeting under the new by-laws, which will (hopefully) set a new focus for the upcoming year.  The agenda for the meeting is stored in the member’s only section