- Collaboration – In collaboration with at least one other member of CIW, create a project where all members of the effort create some part of the overall finished piece.

2. Metal added – The finished piece must have some form of metal integrated into the piece

3. Tiny turning – The finished piece must be less than 2″x2″x2″.

4. Goblet – Turn a goblet.

5. Demo’d – Complete a project that was demonstrated at a club meeting during 2022.
6. Segmented – The project should be made of at least twelve separate pieces of wood. The the use of pre-segmented blanks will not count, even if the blank was purchased. The turner must have been the one to join the pieces in whatever manner is chosen. Encasing wood in resin does not count as “segmenting”.

7. Natural edge – turn something that has a natural edge element.

8. Lidded bowl – Turn a lidded bowl
9. Flower holder – Turn a vase. (not a weed pot)

10. Painted – The final product should be painted in some form or fashion

11. Hollow’d – The final product should have some portion that is hollow. It could be done using a hollowing jig, by hollowing separate pieces and joining them together, or whatever method you want.

12. Happy Holidays – The finished piece must clearly correlate with either Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, or Christmas.