Each year, the President of CIW issues a series of challenges for the club to make certain items. The goal is to encourage members to step out of their comfort zone and try making something they don’t normally make. For 2020, the number of challenges were expanded to 12, with a “bonus” challenge issued because of the quarantine that came with the COVID19 virus. Here is a list of the challenges presented, along with pictures, if possible, of the items made. Our club has some incredibly talented and creative turners!
- Something that was demonstrated during a meeting in 2020
- Something with a finial longer than 6″
- Something for the kitchen, not a bowl
- Something made in collaboration with two or more CIW members
- Something for the Christmas tree
- Something broken/damaged and the repair becomes part of the design
- Something with an inlay added
- Something segmented with at least 12 pieces
- Something sculptural with no utilitarian purpose
- Something with a lid that pops
- Something burnt (blowtorch or pyrography) or has a carved element
- something painted or dyed
- BONUS: A sphere, since the COVID virus looks like a sphere.